Hello bloggers, Today I am going to be telling you about my awesome kite that my friends and I made. Yesterday we had to either make a kite or a animation as a follow up work for reading about Matariki.
First I chose the animation but then I switched to the kite. It took me and my friends 2 hours to make it. It has flew once but we didn't get it on camera. We tried to make it fly again on camera but it wouldn't fly. It was fun to make, but it just took forever. We had to make it out of bamboo, string and this wood stuff made of branches.
The day we made it was shared lunch day, at lunch it flew with no one to see it. We made a huge mess when we were making it so we had to clean that up. Sometimes some of the branches fall out of the kite. Here is an amazing picture.
Great looking kite team! You should be very proud